Board Member: Kathleen Rogers

photo, apple for teacher

Kathleen came to the governing board of Concordia Charter School (CCS) in July, 2011. She shares the compelling vision that the school will educate any child regardless of socio-economic status in a safe, nurturing, and disciplined environment.

Not an educator by training (B.A. English, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Masters of Taxation, Arizona State University; retired CPA; retired CGFM), Kathleen was a fiduciary tax accountant at national firms Coopers Lybrand and KPMG. She worked at ASU for over 19 years as the grant accounting manager and tax compliance officer and currently serves as the CCS Board Treasurer.

“I am increasingly impressed with the guiding principles of compassion and professionalism that inform the daily operations and long term mission of Concordia Charter School.”
